Appropriate Technology Competition for Kendari to be a Livable City

Kendari, – The Government of Kendari City through the Community Empowerment Agency (BPM), held a competition with theme An Appropriate Technology Innovation (TTG) at Athaya Hotel. All participants who took a part in this competition consist of students, college students, office workers, and even the general public.

On the middle of this event, Sahlan Sidu, SE., M.Sc, as a BPM staff explained that the innovative engineering work was intended to create a new innovation that was environmentally friendly and also could facilitate the daily activities of the community in the city of Kendari.

“This program in line with vision of Kendari City, which to become a Livable City based on Ecologically, Technology and Information, aiming all people who live in Kendari could create an innovation-based on appropriate technology that environmentally friendly, and accessible to the community, especially from middle to lower classes,” explained Sahlan Sidu, Tuesday, 8/13/209.

Appropriate technology is a manifestation of innovation designed to improve the welfare of society through problem-solving by technology base, so it can be adapted to environmental aspects, which is to increase business production output than usual.

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There are several innovations highlighted in this activity, the first is to detect soil fertility. When planting, people usually have difficulty to detect fertile land and not, so the tool can help us to know which fertile land easier.

Besides, there are also automatic baby swings. In general, housewives have a variety of activities besides taking care of babies, so the tool can replace the mother’s role to make the baby sleep on the swing if she is still busy with other activities.

“This event has no limit, whatever they are, although they were not employed or already working. The most important is they were created benefit stuff or value for the wider community, so we hope they do not stop innovating,” he concluded. (Sinta/RED)